Meet Alténor Barthélemy: Judge at the Court of Cassation and CSPJ Vice President

He is the rock, the unwavering judge. Alténor Barthélemy, appointed to the Court of Cassation six years ago, is one of the three longest-serving judges in the institution. A literature professor and magistrate, Barthélemy also serves as Vice President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ). With 29 years in Haiti’s judicial system, he continues to work with the same fervor as at the start of his career.

One rarely sees Judge Alténor Barthélemy smile. His expression remains stern, his rigid posture reflecting his reserved nature and deep focus, even when presiding over cases. A native of Mirebalais, he has never been one to be intimidated. Not even the targeted armed attack in 2017, in which his driver was seriously wounded, could shake him. On the contrary, Barthélemy has carved out an exemplary path in the Haitian judiciary, steadily rising through the ranks to reach its highest peak: the Court of Cassation of the Repu

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