Ketleen Florestal Reports a 40% Rise in MPCE Staff Over the Last Decade

Disheartening. That is how Ketleen Florestal, Minister of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), described the state of the ministry upon her arrival. Speaking on Magik 9 on Thursday, March 13, Minister Florestal stated that she had conducted a comprehensive assessment of the ministry upon taking office.

"During my first visit, I was shocked. I was dismayed by the state of the ministry. Mold-covered walls, broken chairs, malfunctioning air conditioners, and unsanitary restrooms," Ketleen Florestal described.

Following this initial visit, the minister said she prepared a questionnaire with her team and asked all employees to respond, expressing what they would like to see changed within their respective departments. After reviewing a summary produced by her office, Minister Florestal said she was able to address some issue

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